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Did you sell a home using seller financing? Our company can help turn your future payments into cash now. We offer top dollar pricing and no upfront costs. Contact us today to receive your free note analysis.

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You might be wondering...Why Would I Sell My Mortgage Note? How Do Note Buyers Decide on a Value? What Can I Do to Make My Note Worth More? Get answers to these frequently asked questions!

RJD Investments, Inc.

2806 Yellowhammer Hill

Birmingham, Alabama 35216-3448

Phone: (205) 533-2692

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Recent Articles

Payment Histories Increase Note Values

Want top dollar when selling mortgage notes? Increase the value with payment histories! Keeping an accurate record of the payments received on a mortgage note is essential for knowing how much the buyer still owes.  This also establishes a record of … [Read More...]

Why Sell My Mortgage Note?

Accepting payments on the sale of real estate might have made sense at the time, but circumstances change. Many sellers discover they would now prefer cash today rather than the small amount that trickles in each month. Here are just a few … [Read More...]

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